Hey there! my name is Meghan :)
So many times growing up I experienced moments of being overwhelmed, anxious, a victim to fear, feeling as if there was no escape. I believed the lie that I had to do it alone. That God and I would get through it and I didn't need anyone else. Have you ever been there? Good, then you are in the right place :)
So what happened? I found out I was wrong. I learned, God places people in our lives to encourage us, comfort us, and remind us that God is in control even when we feel like the walls are closing in. If it weren't for God and the people who were there for me, I don't know where I would be today.
I know I couldn't be the only one and if you are experiencing grief, pain, fear, afraid to reach out, I want you to know; God places people in your life for a purpose. And for you who don't have anyone, I would be honored to go on this journey with you :)
I think the most powerful words I heard and still love to hear even today is that, "It will be okay". It's funny how hearing such a simple phrase can bring you so much peace, but it did and it still does.
When I'm feeling down and out, these songs remind me of all that God has done. That He never fails. That everything I may have primary entitled bad, He has turned to good. I hope this piece of my heart will inspire you to reach out, look up and know you are loved.
Oh! And that no matter where you are on the journey, whether it be on the top of the mountain, or the valley below; It will be okay, for YOU. ARE. NOT. alone <3
<3 meghan rachelle